Termites Control – Toowoomba – Darling Downs

The Pestman Qld will assist in the detection and control of Termites in Toowoomba and Darling Downs. 


Termites live in colonies which comprise of different individuals with definite function and individual tasks. The size of termite colonies vary from a few hundred to millions as in the Coptotermes spp species.

What are Termites? Termites are often called ‘White Ants’ due to their pale white appearance. But the similarities are minimal. When looked at side by side it’s very clear that they are different. The only main similarities termites share with the ant are their highly developed social organizations. Please follow the helpful links below if you require more identification details.
In each colony there is a division of labour, with several distinct caste members, each specializing in a particular activity. The great majority of termites in Toowoomba (And Australia) live in the soil. In fact, termite colonies depend on the soil and its associated moisture content for survival. Those species that live in the soil are known as subterranean termites, and usually don’t attack sound dry wood, preferring damp or damaged timber.

Termites’ diet

Termites’ diet consists mostly of cellulose, which is obtained from a variety of sources such as living trees, seasoned timber, books, grasses, etc. Termites attack untreated wood, and usually by the time their work is visible, the timber is virtually eaten away.
Termites in Toowoomba and Darling Downs can enter your property in a number of ways, some of which are as follows:

  • Under concrete slabs that have cracks or fissures
  • Through hairline cracks which appear in concrete slabs around plumbing and electrical conduits.
  • Constructing mud tubes from the soil to the flooring within cavity walls
  • By tunneling up the centre pipe of wooden stumps/piers
  • Entering through the weep holes around the building, covered by shrubs or hedging
  • They will enter via roof and storm water disposal
  • Leaks through damp-proof courses and flashing
  • Timber in contact with soil
  • Timber products of inappropriate durability
  • Excessive moisture attracting termites
  • Stacked timbers beside or near building structure
  • From under pavers that will conceal entry
  • By constructing mud tubes over concrete stumps

All of these are just some of the main areas which can and will act as an invitation for the termite to enter your home. A termite can travel approx. 50 meters from the central nest site in search of food, and have even been noted to have traveled some 100 meters from the main nest.

Termites are attracted to moisture, so it’s important to repair any leaks or excessive moisture pooling areas around your home especially under the sub-floor areas as the dark, damp situation will put you at risk of termite ingress. Also removal of untreated timbers in contact with soil from around your home can reduce some of the high risks associated with termite attacks to homes as well. Even though you may not have any activity now, your home is always going to be at risk at some point from external pressures and seasonal climate conditions.


 6 – 12 Monthly Termites Inspection Recommended

This is why both The Pestman Qld and the Australian Standards strongly recommend having a 6 – 12 monthly Timber Pest Inspection of your Toowoomba property. For the relatively small outlay each year it’s far better than paying thousands of dollars in repairs and in some cases, having the inconvenience of moving out while work is done.

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We guarantee to Safely Protect your family, your property and your home against unwanted Termites & Pests

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    Hannah Waller Avatar Hannah Waller

    Just had rob and I think Scott? Come around today for a German problem. The other bloke had a ginger/ Brown beard if that helps. They were very punctual, respectful... read more

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  • We’ve used Shane to spray both the Proven Energy business premises, as well as our home, and found him both professional and fast. He was willing to explain all... read more

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    I have been working with The Pest Man in the real estate industry for about 6 years now and have always found them to be incredibly professional and hard working.... read more

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    We recently had The Pestman Qld out to our property to help with the plague of mice that is hitting the downs and their knowledge and information that was provided... read more

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  • Shane was clear, concise, professional and extremely informative when dealing with him. His knowledge and information provided was second to none. Thank you so much for your expertise and assistance.... read more

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    Ok so was a bit hesitant when picking my pest person to do my pest I didn't really look at any reviews I just went with my instinct they were... read more

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    The team at the Pestman QLD are wonderful, I have been acquiring their services for a few years now and its so reassuring to know our house is in safe... read more

    Catlyn Mason Avatar Catlyn Mason
  • Just had rob and I think Scott? Come around today for a German problem. The other bloke had a ginger/ Brown beard if that helps. They were very punctual, respectful... read more

    Leah Horn Avatar Leah Horn
  • Shane was clear, concise, professional and extremely informative when dealing with him. His knowledge and information provided was second to none. Thank you so much for your expertise and assistance.... read more

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  • We were very pleased with the service given to us recently by the Pestman, they were very thorough.
    Very courteous & professional.
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    bill zimmerle Avatar bill zimmerle
  • We’ve used Shane to spray both the Proven Energy business premises, as well as our home, and found him both professional and fast. He was willing to explain all... read more

    Peter Sutrin Avatar Peter Sutrin
  • Ok so was a bit hesitant when picking my pest person to do my pest I didn't really look at any reviews I just went with my instinct they were... read more

    Pip Itow Avatar Pip Itow
  • The team at the Pestman QLD are wonderful, I have been acquiring their services for a few years now and its so reassuring to know our house is in safe... read more

    Catlyn Mason Avatar Catlyn Mason
  • We recently had The Pestman Qld out to our property to help with the plague of mice that is hitting the downs and their knowledge and information that was provided... read more

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  • I have been working with The Pest Man in the real estate industry for about 6 years now and have always found them to be incredibly professional and hard working.... read more

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  • I’ve used The Pestman a couple of times and will continue using them. They are always willing to give you advice and are great at explaining what services will be... read more

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